Lambeth Council - EMRO consultation launched

21 Oct

Lambeth Council’s licensing policy consultation period, previously reported here, recently ended on 7 October 2013.

The Council has now launched another consultation, this time considering the implementation of an Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO) for the corner of Wandsworth Road and North Street in Clapham.

In the Council’s own words, “This is in response to requests for help and support from numbers of residents, who have suffered years of noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour (ASB) in what is a mainly residential area. During this time the Council have worked with businesses and residents to find solutions to the ASB however the issues still exist and as a final resort an EMRO is now being consulted on. This issue essentially revolves around large nightclubs simply being in the wrong place. It’s not an assault on late night venues; it’s a recognition that some areas do not suit vertical drinking establishments / night clubs with large capacities clustered in a small area.”

The proposal is therefore to apply an EMRO for 516-518 Wandsworth Road and 703-693 Wandsworth Road London SW8 (follow link for plan) and for the hours Monday to Sunday: 00.00 – 06.00.

Details of how to reply to the consualtion can be found here.

The consulatation closes 28 November 2013.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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